
Pilgrims own a 30,000 square foot warehouse based in Redhill, where they're in the process of building a simulated fictional war-torn town named Lugaria. For the purpose of training military personnel, going into combat overseas. To push the realism, I was tasked with creating brands for products, signs and posters for events.


At Pilgrims, I worked entirely on live briefs. They gave me valuable experiences of adhering to client needs under tight deadlines. Their senior designer was incredibly informative and insightful, expanding my knowledge of the creative suite.

Nakarian Contagion & NetConnect

Nakarian Contagion, was a live-action zombie scare event, based in Redhill. I came up with the design for a flyer which was made and distributed (around 3,000 copies) to advertise the event. The design was adapted for a billboard which was also used on the side of a number of vans. NetConnect, is Lugaria’s No.1 network provider.


Concept Pieces

My employers mentioned a possible venture in holding events for family activities, expressing an interest in developing ideas for their development so I came up with these.


Instagram Content

