Howdy Partner.

Design speaks to something very primitive
in me, in all of us. The desire to build.

I crave to learn the science behind my decisions and the tools I choose. Understanding the 'why' behind my work. My old mentor used to tell me: 'If it doesn't have a reason for being on the page, get rid of it.' And I've lived by it ever since. I'm a lover of Bauhaus, and their
'Function over Form'.

Post-bachelor's degree, my world shifted. Kerning, orphans, rivers,
I suddenly saw them everywhere. As they say, you can't put the Genie back In the bottle. It wasn’t until I discovered designers like Paul Rand and Mike Perry that I realized my skills could have a purpose.

  • “I want to give a shout-out to the team at Design Cloud® today (they have no idea I am doing this) because they are simply awesome. The design quality is great, they don't charge over the moon for the subscription, and most of all they are pleasant to work with. Whatever I throw at them they always come back unphased saying something like "Sure, I'll give it a go!" Personally, I can't see myself going back to the old-fashioned way of paying for individual designs from agencies, with a set number of amends. I think I'm a Design Cloud Subscription convert.”

    Aimie Ward, a client of mine at DesignCloud

  • “Couldn’t imagine not having you as part of our strategy now. Big thanks to our designer Jak - You’ve brought a completely new angle to our creative work and we can’t thank you enough.”

    Another client of mine at DesignCloud